After earning your degree, of course, you will be anticipating your entrance into the workforce. But, before you even begin your educational journey, it is advisable to do your research on the details of your future career. Possibly, the most sought after information you will be seeking involves earning potential.
The aeronautics and aviation industries are an integral part of U.S. economics. Have you flown lately? It is a busy place to be, and it takes so many incredible personnel to run our airports efficiently and safely. Would you like to be a part of that team?
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Below is a list of careers in the aeronautics and aviation field that might interest you and the median pay for each. Please keep in mind that all employment opportunities, salary, and benefits vary depending on location and demand. Let’s explore a few options:
Aeronautics Engineers are responsible for the design and manufacturing of all types of aircraft. They have a vast understanding of the principles, technological and scientific aspects of flight. Salaries range between $79,385 – $105,380 annually, with a median salary of $85,700.
Airline and Commercial Pilots typically earn between $74,100 annually at entry and then can make upwards of $120,000 – $208,000 per year with work experience, with a median salary of $121,430 for their expertise in keeping those planes in the air. Also, certification through the FAA is required.
Aviation Managers keep our airports running smoothly and are involved in all facets of business, security issues, and legal aspects. Their salaries range between $131,459 – $200,330 annually, with a median salary of $158,686.
Air Traffic Controllers have a very stressful job. They are responsible for all aircraft guidance on the runway, as well as in the air. Air Traffic Controllers typically earn between $68,330 – $122,990, depending on experience.
Astronauts, after earning their bachelor’s or a higher degree, are required to endure a rigorous training program to work for NASA. The starting salary for a civilian astronaut averages $65,000 annually with top pay averaging $140,000 per year, with extensive work experience.
Aerodynamics Engineers devise, build and test all kinds of aircraft. They research construction materials, conduct wind tunnel, and flight tests and provide design support for new aircraft and modifies existing aircraft. The average median salary for an Aerodynamics Engineer ranges between $83,300 – $93,472 annually depending on experience and location.
Aviation Meteorologists are the individuals that report weather conditions to pilots and, also, report to the National Weather Service to keep us abreast of inclement weather conditions. This service is essential to the aviation industry to keep us safe in the air. An Aviation Meteorologist’s salary ranges between $58,850 – $93,575 annually.
There are a few careers that you can pursue that do not always require a bachelor’s degree in aeronautics or aviation; however, some companies, particularly major airlines, require a bachelor’s degree. Again, you will need to do your own research when considering these careers to verify requirements.
Private Pilots typically work for individuals or smaller flight companies. They are sometimes referred to as charter or corporate pilots earning an average salary of $73,280 annually. FAA certification is required; however, sometimes, a bachelor’s degree is needed, too.
Airline Attendants are required to maintain airline safety regulations in the air, as well as customer service to each passenger. They must be familiar with emergency and first aid procedures, all while serving food and beverages to their patrons. The median salary for a flight attendant is $56,640 annually. In addition to attendant school, some airlines also require a bachelor’s degree.
Airline Technicians repair and perform regularly scheduled maintenance on aircraft and earn a median salary of $64,310 per year. Depending on the employer, a bachelor’s degree may be required.
As always, your continued education, earning your master’s degree, will increase your options and your earning potential. See our full list of our picks for the Best Online Schools for Aviation and Aeronautics!